Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Buck Skull Found

8pt Buck Skull

Went for an off trail hike today on Prospect Mt. hiking up the drainage near Big Hollow and the reservoirs.  Somewhere out there I stumbled onto this a few feet from the stream.  It is the skull of an 8 pt buck.  It looks to have been there for quite some time.  There were no other bones around so I can only guess that everything else had been scavenged by coyotes and whatever else eats dead things around here.  I am going to attempt a little cleaning and possibly sell this now that I have been informed it could be worth a couple bucks (haha).  I would be content to hold onto it and mount it on some driftwood.  Its not everyday you come across something like this. 

After the hike I went over to my buddy Jeremy's house who had the displeasure of a rather large oak tree falling directly onto his Honda Civic.  Looks to be totalled.  That storm yesterday has left much of LG in a scramble.  I went home and got my saw and together with Luke and Jeremy we got the rest of the big stuff bucked up and the driveway cleared.  My good deed for the day.

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